Curious what EarthSky Gem Essence Remedies can do for you?

Let’s look at one of my favorites essences: “Trust Yourself”

Originally I made this formula for myself. I wanted to become good at giving presentations. Problem was, whenever I stood up in front of 3 people or more, my knees and voice started shaking, my face flushed and hands sweat.

Then I made up this essence and took it before my first presentation. Success! I delivered it with confidence and clarity.

Over time I took it before each presentation until I had enough experience and confidence that I knew what I was doing. Then I stopped. I never needed it again and I’ve been giving presentations for years.


One of my clients came to me for stage fright. I gave her this same formula and here is what she wrote me after it was over:

“Thank you for formulating a flower essence remedy for me to deal with my inability of forty years standing to speak before a large audience with ease.

After taking the flower essence for a month, my fear just melted away and I was able to give a very effective presentation in front of an audience of 200 people!”

       – MJM, Point Roberts, Washington


As is true with all our formulas, they have a broader spectrum of uses than just one type of situation.

During times of crisis, the “Trust Yourself” essence shifts you into a state of strength and self-trust so you can do what needs to be done. Excellent for stage-fright, panic attacks and shock. It’s also great for Rescuers to kick into gear with clarity and sureness.

And beyond that it’s a great longer-term tool for exploring what trusting yourself means for you, or for use in any situation where self-trust is desired.


Picture of Diane Dreizen

Diane Dreizen

Diane studied Clinical Psychology at Ohio State University, Solution-Focused Life Coaching, and Neurolinguistic Programming at Erickson College International. 

Diane has been a business owner for over 35 years and has spent most of her life studying, practicing, and teaching Meditation. She is an intuitive Master Gem and Flower Essence Practitioner.

Diane manufactures her own line of Homeopathic Gem Essences to support personal growth and wisdom. With her extensive background and experience, Diane pulls it all together to share her unique approach: Tap into Your Own Wisdom to Activate Your Potential!

Meet Diane