3 Tips to Make Your Vision a Reality

Our society focuses on results, achieving a pre-determined American Dream, and focusing on that “success” rather than ensuring that the success you build for yourself aligns with your unique and personal goals and intentions. When highly successful women seek support, it’s less from a need to be successful and more from a need to re-establish what success truly means to them. It’s likely not working for a job or company you don’t respect or feeling out of balance between work and home life. I’ve found over the 17+ years of coaching successful women; we’ve learned how to be successful and achieve our goals; commonly, it’s not the “how” that’s missing. It’s typically uneasiness that the “what” we’re chasing is truly what we want.

That is why laying the foundation to empower yourself, reduce and stabilize your stress levels to clear out distractions and confusion to create greater clarity is essential. Those initial steps help you tap into that clarity and deep knowing to envision possibilities and get to work on making them a reality.

Whether you want to have a successful career, fulfilling relationships, become an influential and wise leader, or find happiness, it all comes from empowerment: making truthful, powerful choices that reflect who you are.

How do you learn to make empowered choices consistently?

Set Your Intention. When you’re clear and sure about what you want, setting your intention amplifies and reinforces the power you use to make it happen. Setting your intention is different from setting goals. The intention is the distillation of what you want, the over-arching most meaningful long-term. Goals are the benchmarks on the path to that long-term vision. Sometimes we need to adjust our goals to fit a situation, but the underlying intention keeps you on track, aiming for the inspired life you are creating.

Build Strategies and Systems. When you’re prepared, you improve your chances of success. Once you’ve set your larger intention, you can use the frontal lobe of your brain for what it does best: planning and figuring, solving puzzles, doing the math, focusing on details. It’s a laser tool to accomplish your intention.

Many of us get bogged down trying to use this precision tool in the wrong way, resulting in overwhelm. Just as you wouldn’t use a compass to power a boat across a lake, you don’t use the frontal lobe to set you on the road to what you want. Your set intention is the sail that fills with the wind of inspiration to move you forward. Your frontal lobe is the precise navigational tool that you use to adjust and stay on course. And just as if you were sailing a boat, you need a Plan B if conditions arise that you weren’t expecting. Your brain has a lot of capacity for planning—if you use it correctly!

Designing a system such as an ideal calendar can be a great way to utilize your planning and logistics skills. This tool will allow you to get all the details into a template that drives your process forward—all you have to do is follow it and modify it as necessary. But you don’t have to keep reinventing the wheel every day, week, or month; with an organized calendar, it’s pre-done, avoiding common pitfalls of decision fatigue and over-reliance on motivation. You’ve already made the decisions and designed the way you work best to keep yourself on track. 

Tap into Resiliency. When you’re doing what’s fulfilling to you, you’ll find that you enjoy yourself along the way. While the adventure is worthwhile itself, you’ll notice more opportunities to stop and smell the roses, appreciating each aspect of your journey. Things may come easier, and you may recognize opportunities faster. 

This doesn’t mean that challenges won’t arise; they will from time to time. Yet, the work you’ve already completed will provide you the capacity to handle those challenges better than you would have otherwise. As a coach, I support and encourage your resiliency when you hit bumps in the road. When you take a wrong turn, I help you recognize it faster, avoid getting distracted by judgments and stay on track. Together, we work to keep you focused and flexible—life changes, and although you’re making plans based on your best guess, you don’t know the future. Learning to understand and appreciate your ability to analyze and plan will give you confidence that you can pivot when the unexpected happens. 

You’ll also tap into your grit and determination, which your clear intention and trust will reinforce in yourself and the process. Your trust and confidence in yourself will increase as you refine your decision-making, learning, and growing along the way as you consistently choose empowered decisions aligned with who you are and what you want.

If you’re ready to see your visions become a reality, with guidance and support to help you progress faster and avoid common distractions, schedule a Discovery Session.


Picture of Diane Dreizen

Diane Dreizen

Diane studied Clinical Psychology at Ohio State University, Solution-Focused Life Coaching, and Neurolinguistic Programming at Erickson College International. 

Diane has been a business owner for over 35 years and has spent most of her life studying, practicing, and teaching Meditation. She is an intuitive Master Gem and Flower Essence Practitioner.

Diane manufactures her own line of Homeopathic Gem Essences to support personal growth and wisdom. With her extensive background and experience, Diane pulls it all together to share her unique approach: Tap into Your Own Wisdom to Activate Your Potential!

Meet Diane